Top casino secrets we have learnt from Reddit

See some stories and curious hidden facts about judi online and offline casinos found in Reddit. Discover some of the biggest gambling secrets exposed on Reddit platform.
Reddit is one of the most curious place online users can find an answer to almost any question. But it’s not just a platform for information. It’s also a place where you can investigate anything in deep. The big casino players, by the way, can find a lot of interesting facts here, on Reddit. But they should know that reading for hours (and even for days) is waiting for them if they want to find some truly curious truths.
Why doing it, if we have already dealt with this chore? There’s a big bunch of secrets related with judi online and offline gambling companies in Reddit. And we have gathered some of the top engaging and significant among them. Read more below:
- Slot machine music soundtracks – we mean absolutely all of them – are written in the same musical key. Those happy jungles we here when playing slot games, whether offline or online, are actually made through the same manner. No matter how different they sound to you, they are kind of the same.
- According to Reddit there’s a big bunch of judi online users that are so obsessed by gambling that they literally go to the toilet while playing games. Of course, this is not so strange, especially by having in mind that most of today’s online casinos have mobile versions or even better – modern mobile applications.
- Some offline casinos use the practice to hire faster croupiers for the night shifts to finish the day as soon as possible. Of course, the 24/7 gambling companies cannot afford such luxury. By the way, casinos that close once in a while are few these days. And we mean both – online and offline.
- There is such a thing as a casino death. And there’s a big group of Reddit users who claim for having seen such deaths. They talk about dying at the slot machine due to lack of sleep and food for numerous days. They talk about heart attacks due to losses at a card game table. Of course, we haven’t seen them, but gambling addiction makes these things sound logical.
- One of the hugest losses the offline casinos experienced for all times is the smoking ban. Even the dry regime did not cause so many problems to the ground-based casinos. Smoking has been always part of the game at many tables, as well as while playing slot machines.
- There’s a rumor according to which it takes a player to win not more than 15 thousands of American dollars to get followed by the casino. We don’t know how true this is, but fortunately we haven’t read anything about these winners to have some problems after being watched.
These extraordinary facts are all taken from Reddit posts. We cannot tell for sure that they are true. Please, don’t accept them for granted.